Friday, March 29, 2013

What can you say about the way music makes you feel!!!

What can you say about the way music makes you feel!
 I know its bought me up when i was down, its made me laugh , made me cry , made me happy and made me sad, but the one thing that always remains consistent is it makes me feel!!!

It reminds me I'm human, and it reminds me of the importance every human has in this world!!! We all have a duty to heal and help others as a species not just individuals!! this is my attempt at easing the frustration of 9-5 and year after year mundane-ness , and if only 1 person in the entire world gets something out of my personal experience and the  music I spin together,.......well in my opinion its all worth it!!!!! 

If your a songwriter/poet/singer/rapper/dancer/etc remember that for you to be taken seriously, you must entertain the ideas and ideals you believe in.....otherwise your just another man/women voicing an opinion in a sea of noise. It is YOURS and MY responsibility to use our music for the greater good! Believe in yourself and the rest will follow!!! - DJ BABY JOE BLACK

Monday, March 11, 2013

Your Life is in Your Hand

Hey YOU, yes YOU. Now that I have your attention, please continue reading..

One of the certainties of life is that we were all born for a reason, a purpose perhaps; there was a plan for each one of us. Life assures you nothing but death, now that shouldn’t be a negative, because it’s meant to be. We can’t control it; we can only deal with it. As we get older we make choices, choices that lead us to different pathways. The purpose of living is that we enjoy it, we love it and we acknowledge it. By the age of five, most people start school, learn how to read and write. As we hit the age of fifteen, most of us discover hidden talents, realise what we want to do with our lives, others take longer, but that doesn’t matter. The choices you make in life can alter the different pathways you decide to take. Many people are used to quitting; they believe it is the easiest way out, 80% of the world don’t achieve their goals, and they don’t make their dreams come true, because they are afraid of failure. Once they fail, they quit. They don’t realise there is nothing to fear, they are as good as the best, as smart as the wisest. There is not a battle or a test they cannot win. Everyone is unique, now the power to success is to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself how great you are (you have to believe for it to work). The world challenges you to face it! Life is yours, as long as you are not afraid to let it in. Tell yourself “I have powers beyond my belief, it’s something I need to know, there’s nothing to fear, I can and I will, I’ll set my foot on the highest hill, and I’ll never drop, there is nothing I cannot do!”